Marina's Kids
Visit Orphanages
The Need
Kids in the orphanages lack personal attention, someone to listen and understand them, support as they age out, and so many other things.
Marina started visiting orphanages in December of 2010. Result of that thrip was formation of Marina’s Kids Organization (see more on “Our Story” page and “Newsletters and Publications”). The orphanage visits are the backbone of giving personal attention to the children, developing friendships, mentoring them as they age-out, and guiding them as they become parents! This is what breaks the cycle of orphans for generations to come. It all starts with a visit, a smile, a hug, a face painting, a listening ear…and a lot of follow up!
The Resuts
Over 3,500 orphans have benefited. Many lives have changed for the better and some were saved from becoming a “statistic”.